Beautiful Hair Starts At The Root and Flows To The Top

Beautiful Hair Starts At The Root and Flows To The Top

Beautiful Hair Starts At The Root and Flows To The Top

For years in a salon down in south east Atlanta hair pioneer Ruby Chain has been one of the leading experts in hair. She has seen so many different healthy and not so healthy heads of hair. One thing that healthy hair always has in common is that the root, hair follicle opening and scalp itself is always healthier than those that do not have the growth, shine, texture, moisture level that they want.

The health of the hair is determined by its ability to prevent inflammation inside the hair follicle and to prevent fungus and bacteria that are normally present on the scalp to grow out of control. The second leads to the 1st problem as well. If there is an excess amount of the different scalp fungi present then there is almost always inflammation inside the hair follicle. This can lead to many different problems including pimples on scalp, itching that can sometimes be severe accompanied by redness, swelling, patches of what looks like dandruff, open scalp sores, scabs on the head and flaky scalp that seems like most other products won’t work to get rid of.

Why Does Inflammation, Build Up Etc Inside The Hair Follicle Hurt Healthy Hair and Growth?

The scalp skin is similar to all skin on the body and even similar to the gut in that there are many different types of fungus that coexist on the scalp skin. However, when this fungus – malasezzia – grows out of control and actually buries itself down inside the hair follicle or the scalp skin then you will start to see numerous hair growth and healthy hair issues. This is because of the inflammation that it causes. The inflammation pinches off the oxygen supply and the blood supply. The hair fights and struggles but there is always damage to the structure. For healthy hair to return the inflammation must be removed which means that the buildup, sebum plugs, excess product residue etc must all be flushed from inside the hair follicle and the fungus must be normalized and the outter lipid barrier restored.

This sounds like a lot but that is exactly what certain scalp products are designed to do. We are not just talking about an antifungal shampoo. You need something that is going to get down inside the hair follicle to open up the clogs and plugs to irrigate out the bacteria and fungus. This is vital to healthy hair restoration. One of the most common herbal mixtures on the market is called Zincplex and can be found in shampoos, scalp scrubs or use can use the herbal mix and put it in one of your hair care shampoos or conditioners for lasting results against the build up etc.